Ermes Monitor is a monitoring and energy efficiency platform.
The platform architecture is designed for remote and widespread monitoring of thousands of production and / or consumption sites.

ERMES MONITOR, how does it work
In monitoring production, the system is structured for monitoring photovoltaic systems of all sizes, from 3kW to several MW of ground-based power plants.
In monitoring consumption and energy efficiency, it allows an aggregate supervision of electrical and thermal consumption of real estate parks distributed throughout the territory.
The system is dedicated to those who operate O&M and to utilities, investment funds or owners of pulverized power plants.
It consists of an industrial datalogger to be installed in the field and a “cloud based” web software that receives and analyzes the data received in real time.

The Ermes Monitor cloud web platform must be fed with information from the plant to be monitored.
This information can be acquired directly from the data logger of our production ErmesLog 5 or through other hardware or servers that make use of the incoming APIs that we make available.

The new generation datalogger.
The data logger is able to speak directly with the electronics of various inverters, string panels, production meters, weather sensors, exchange meters, network analyzers, UPS, boilers and with other data loggers. Over the years we have developed hundreds of communication drivers and protocols.
Each datalogger can read up to 50 devices including inverters, stringboxes, meters, weather sensors, etc.
Even on each channel 485 it is possible to connect devices from different manufacturers that use different protocols at different speeds. Each call on the same cable will be personalized and this allows you to adapt to how the devices to be read change over time in the field and are increasingly heterogeneous.
Integrates all communication ports as standard: 3 x RS-485, RS-232, Ethernet and digital inputs.
It acquires the readings, the states and the operating registers directly from the devices (production, alarm, statistics, etc. registers).
To transmit the information to the cloud, use the standard integrated Ethernet port or the 4G industrial modem if requested when ordering. The system recognizes by itself the sim of the operator entered and in the same way it recognizes by itself if there is a gateway on the ethernet network to reach the internet. If it is equipped with both connections, the system automatically uses both connections by switching between them when needed
It integrates analog / digital converters useful for connecting a pyrometer and two PT100 temperature probes directly to the device.
Remotely configurable. All data logger configurations are saved in the cloud and therefore any changes can be made comfortably from your office. Thanks to this, moreover, the replacement of a data logger requires a few seconds for total reconfiguration and can be done by minimally technical personnel.
The firmware update is done remotely with a click: you don’t have to go to the field to do it and you don’t need any technical skills.
Each new firmware adds new features and new compatibility of reading towards new devices.
The new ErmesLog 5 integrates two expansion slots in which it is possible to insert expansion cards. Today a first expansion card is available that equips the device with 4G connectivity (with automatic function of downgrade to 3G and 2G)
In quanto produttori diretti del nostro datalogger dal punto di vista hardware riusciamo a contenere il costo e renderlo economicamente compatibile anche a piccoli impianti. Allo stesso tempo, per grandi impianti la nostra architettura rende possibile l’installazione di più datalogger sullo stesso impianto. Ogni datalogger legge una porzione di impianto e di apparati in campo e poi il cloud rende uniforme la visualizzazione il monitoraggio come se a leggere l’impianto sia stato un unico datalogger. Questo semplifica l’installazione in situazioni dove altrimenti il passaggio di cavi avrebbe comportato decine o centinaia di metri di cavo o addirittura obbligato l’uso di dorsali in fibra ottica, costose da installare e mantenere.
The hardware, software and firmware are completely designed, engineered and developed in Italy.
Synonymous with quality assurance and fast response times.
Ermes Web App
The Cloud based web application.
White Label
Offer your customers your monitoring solution by making them loyal with your company logo.
The user interface is customizable with your logo and colors. Even customer notification emails can come from your email address.
It receives the data from the data loggers and analyzes them, immediately reporting any alarm situations by email or text message.
In addition to showing explicit alarms coming from the field, it continues to analyze the data in search of situations that are not yet critical but that could become so.
It includes a ticketing module that allows you to track all the activities to be carried out on the systems, assign them to a maintenance technician by sharing an up-to-date maintenance journal.
Likewise, it integrates a document management module with which to save equipment documentation such as manuals, wiring diagrams, calibration certificates, etc. in the cloud.
This facilitates the sharing of information between colleagues and the orderly and secure maintenance of plant information.
Our secure and scalable cloud based SaaS infrastructure stores all readings made in the field. Focus on your core business: you no longer have to deal with any maintenance of PCs or system servers, data backups or connectivity problems.
Every new feature we create is immediately available to everyone without the need to install software updates.
The data read in the field is yours. Every month we automatically export all the data of the previous month making them available for offline processing and backup. Furthermore, at any time it is always possible to export the data of a whole day to excel for each single device of the system.
An intuitive user interface allows you to monitor the performance of the entire system at a glance. With the same simplicity, it is possible to analyze each single device that makes up the system.
It integrates reporting functions that every month automatically generate a pdf report with the trend of the previous month and the details of each noteworthy event that occurred on the system. In real time, on the other hand, an analysis section is always available in which the trends consolidated over time can be viewed using convenient graphs.
Completely web based. HTML5 compatible with smartphones and tablets.
An app is also available in the apple and google stores. The app has an attractive simplified view to allow you to take a quick look at the progress of the systems.
The app shows all the basic information of the system, showing graphs of details of a single device and its individual readings of the day.
Multi user
Multi-user infrastructure without additional costs that allows the creation of system access credentials by differentiating the degree of detail of what is displayed and the relative possibility of making changes to the configurations.